Как да "мерим" живота?

от: Georgi Stankov

Една от възможните мерни единици на живота: любовта. Наред с финансовата стабилност, кариерата, доброто здраве, даването и получаването на любов е начин да търсим смисъл в  живота.

Към тези мисли ме насочи прекрасният текст на песента Seasons of love (от мюзикъла Rent).

Five hundrend twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundrend twenty five thousand moments so dear
Five hundrend twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year

In daylight, in sunsets, in midnights, 
in cups of coffee, In inches, in miles
in laughter in strife,

In Five hundrend twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure a year in the life

How about Love 
how about love
how about love
measure in love
seasons of love
seasons of love

Five hundrend twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundrend twenty five thousand journeys to plan
Five hundrend twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
how do you measure the life of a woman or a man

In truth that she learned 
or in times that he cried
In the bridges he burned
or the way that she died

Its time now to sing out
though the story never ends
lets celebrate remember a year 
in the life of friends


Remember the Love 
remember the love
remember the love
measure in love
seasons of love
seasons of love


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